Fruitful intentions for an open and quality (research) exchange, a handbook

The qualitative features and characteristics of being a trusted conversation partner are not considered as integral part of our professional working and living habits. This also seems to be the case in our professional careers, where we tend to put emotions aside and become results-oriented. To become better ‘dialoguers’, however, requires a different way of being and exchanging. The handbook ‘fruitful intentions for an open and quality (research) exchange’ addresses this and offers an action perspective to explore.

The aspects of inner balance

Inner balance is about balancing your inner world. The aim is to achieve and maintain a well-balanced whole. You bring together what is above and below the surface of your being, and include this in your decision-making, actions, and functioning.
What three aspects of balancing to give attention?

Working on inner balance

Inner balance is the result of perseverance and dedicated attention. In which you continuously work on balancing all kinds of facets, parts, abilities, and qualities of yourself. From the heart, non-judgmental and free from past experiences. What is important for this mastery?