Life force makes you feel energized and inspired. It releases your true creative power from within. Life Force has the capacity to evoke a natural and deep sense of trust in life. Even when things “go wrong. These abilities can be found within yourself. Connecting yourself with life force enables you to tap into this capacity and make use of it.
The key to life force connection

Activating life force and its potential
Shift of focus Ι Inner Harmony
Truly making a change
Inspiration – How to use your energy more powerfully?
You achieve this by getting out of your head. As it quickly gets busy in your head, it is easy to lose yourself in the maze of thoughts, impressions, and other mental (creation) abilities.
Inspiration – How to become the sunshine of your own life?
In short, you realize this by fully letting go of the focus on the mind (the mental and rational) and by taking responsibility for your complete human being.