The impact of change is partly determined by the degree to which you live up to the values you hold dear. Therefore, in order to truly live principles such as inclusion, care, trust, equality, harmony, quality of life and love, it is essential to integrate them into your actions. You further spark a movement of change by stepping up in empowerment. Connecting with life force bridges to really living essential humanity. It enables you to tap into its potential within yourself.

Factors of impact making a change

  • take ownership in order to function from consciousness every moment of your life;
  • put your energy in involving and empowering, this way moving away from taking away ownership from others;
  • work on seeing the good. This way creating a safe space and building an atmosphere of trust and less control;
  • dare to meet in the middle and find common ground in order to make purposeful connections.


Such change begins from inside, followed by stepping up in empowering yourself and others:

◊ It lies in challenging the way you look at things.

It begins with taking a good look at your prevailing way of thinking and the narratives you tell yourself and hold on to. Then replace these with new ones. In doing so, you transform from within the current constructs that left our humanity in the cold and got it trapped in rigid structures ruled by control, distrust, and fear. Connecting with life force supports this shift in focus.

What to give active attention?

◊ Followed by stepping up in empowerment.

This fosters growth in confidence and belief in yourself and others. It encourages to bring out the best in yourself and others. And, to relax and feel safe(er) in who you are and welcome others as they are. It also increases awareness on what is holding you back from living the principles of humanity every moment of your life.

How to infuse this movement?

◊ To set the right conditions for co-creation.

After all, the key to successfully co-creating a shared future lies in the equality of participants, reciprocity, openness and trust. These allow all stakeholders to be involved, contribute and influence both the process and the outcome.

Inspirational video – trauma not transformed is trauma transferred

What kind of baton have you received and what will you pass on?